WhatsApp has been adding new features to enhance its security and privacy in recent months. Now, it is reportedly working on another feature that could make it easier for users to verify their accounts. According to WAbetaInfo, a website that tracks WhatsApp updates, the platform may soon allow users to use their email addresses as an alternative login method.
Currently, WhatsApp requires users to enter their phone numbers and receive a verification code via SMS or phone call when they login to their accounts on a new device. However, this method may not be convenient or feasible in some situations, such as when users lose their phones or SIM cards, or when there are network or server problems that prevent SMS messages from being delivered. In such cases, users may benefit from having the option to use their email addresses instead of their phone numbers for verification.
According to WABetaInfo, the email verification feature is said to be optional and under development. It was spotted by WhatsApp beta testers who were using the v2.23.16.15 version of the app. WhatsApp already allows users to provide an email address when they set up a PIN for two-step verification, which adds an extra layer of security to their accounts. However, this is the first time that email is being used for login purposes.
The email verification feature could be a welcome addition to WhatsApp's security and privacy options, which include end-to-end encryption, disappearing messages, and biometric authentication. It could also make it easier for users to switch devices or recover their accounts without relying on their phone numbers. However, it is not clear when the feature will be rolled out to all users or how it will work in detail.
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